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Date(s) - 07/08/2019 - 07/26/2019
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Battleship Iowa Museum - Los Angeles


Why Attend A REBOOT Workshop™

Each year over 200,000 service members transition from the military with over 50% of them going on 22 weeks of unemployment insurance. Survey results show that 81 percent of transitioning military personnel do not “feel fully prepared for the process of entering the job market.” And unfortunately, the military’s Transition Assistance Program is not designed to address the cultural needs of members leaving the service.

Taking a innovative and holistic approach to transition, the REBOOT Workshop™ builds upon your military training and skills to help you redefine your personal identity, purpose in life, and desired occupation. Participants are immersed in a reflective and engaging curriculum that successfully bridges the gap between military and civilian worlds.

Workshop Overview

The REBOOT Workshop™ is based around how we think and how our thoughts impact every facet of our lives. It demonstrates how we let habits, attitudes and beliefs stand in the way of releasing our inner potential. It also reveals how our beliefs and expectations about ourselves, our families, and our futures are directly related to our current realities.

The REBOOT Workshop™ is designed to build awareness of how your mind works, how to control the way you think and how to achieve success in any part of your life. The program also shows you how important it is for those that have suffered a traumatic experience in particular, as well as their families, friends and caregivers, to lock on to the power of the mind, and focus on a productive and contributive future.

The REBOOT Workshop™ is divided into three parts:

  • Week I – Military-to-Civilian Personal Transition. Developed by The Pacific Institute®, week one Addresses the Transition Domains of personal effectiveness and wellbeing.
  • Week II – Military-to-Civilian Lifestyle Transition. Developed by Operation Legacy, week two Addresses the Transition Domains of living situation and community-life functioning.
  • Week III – Military-to-Civilian Career Transition. Week three Addresses the Transition Domains of employment, career and education.

Workshop Schedule

The 15-day, course of progressive training builds upon the participants’ military training, skills, and experience and comprehensively addresses the personal, social, & professional aspects of military-to-civilian life transition.

Classes run  daily – Monday through Friday from 9:00AM to 4:00PM.

Learning Objectives

Program duration is three-weeks and involves 20 to 25 participants. Each week involves interactive sessions followed by short discussions. Participants are asked to look introspectively at their lives and write answers to reflective questions outlined in the resource material with the facilitators directing group discussions.

Supplemental support:

  • Job Coaching: In addition to peer support from other graduates, interested participants who complete the workshop will be matched with job coaches who will support their efforts by providing advice, guidance, and leadership.
  • Job placement assistance is available to graduates through our partner network.
  • Connection to community resources will be made available through various channels and orchestrated through NVTSI.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment in REBOOT Workshop™ is by application only for transitioning service members, veterans and spouses.

The REBOOT Workshop™ is a program of the National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. a 501 C3 non-profit organization whose mission is to assist all military & veterans in making a successful transition from military service to civilian life.