REBOOT Workshops are made possible by the support and generosity of patriots like you. Whatever your interests, abilities, experience or availability, you can make a difference.
Join our team and get involved! Use your creativity and passion to take an active role by fundraising, donating or spreading awareness for our cause. Choose from the options below to get started in a few short minutes!
Here are some of the ways you can help:
We need your help to fund REBOOT Workshops in support of our troops.
We currently only have funding to offer one Workshop per month and are experiencing a tremendous backlog. However, we have the capability to offer more Workshops if funded. At present we are not receiving government funding and rely totally on public contributions. It costs $2,500 per student and is at no cost to the service member, veteran or their spouse.
Get Involved by Donating Today
Veteran service members continue to face a number of reintegration challenges when returning home, including physiological and behavioral disorders, broken identity, cultural gaps between military and civilian life, limited professional and social networks, lack of civilian work experience, translating military experience into civilian job skills, and veteran suicide.
“The toughest battle they will face is the journey home; as many have to battle – unemployment, homelessness, suicide, drug abuse, depression, and anxiety.”
Maurice D. Wilson, MCPO, USN (Ret) President & Co-founder, NVTSI/REBOOT
As one of thousands of employers across the country we are counting on your support to help ALL of our troops find their place as a civilians. Each year over 200,000 service members transition from military service with thousands living in local areas seeking a new life. Many of them struggle to enter the civilian job market despite the skills and experience they developed in the military.
Recent surveys reveal that:
- Over 90% of returning service members do not feel ready to enter the civilian job market.
- A same number have not defined their new career goals and are unclear about next steps.
- Many struggle to overcome anxiety, self-doubt , and negative thoughts.
- A big number feel lost after living the in highly structured and disciplined world of the military.
While most service members are routed through the Department of Defense Transition GPS Program (T-GPS), the T-GPS program primarily focuses on vocational transition and lacks evidence-based outcomes to enhance self-efficacy.
As a result, many stakeholders are seeking an alternative solution to this urgent issue. To answer this call, NVTSI’s REBOOT Workshops™ have proven to be one of the most effective solutions for veterans returning home. After seven years of operation REBOOT has become the premier reintegration program (in the nation) that effectively addresses the personal and social needs of the transitioning service members/veterans, and is seeking to expand REBOOT nation-wide.
JOIN “OPERATION REBOOT” NOW! Click here for benefits and details.
These are the people who support and advocate for more workshops.

REBOOT Graduates, you are the most powerful ally we have and we want yo harness your power to expand REBOOT across the country. We are inviting you to use your creativity and passion to take an active role by fundraising, donating or spreading awareness about the REBOOT Workshop. Choose from the options below to get started in a few short minutes!
Get Involved by helping raise funds to bring REBOOT to your city
As a graduate of REBOOT you know the value of the workshop and how it can make a difference. Now you can be a change agent in your community. Raise $25,000 and we’ll match it. Use your network to get 200 of your contacts to donate $120 each and we will bring the REBOOT Workshops to your community.
These are the people who donate their time helping REBOOT our troops.
Volunteer your talents. We appreciate your interest in becoming an NVTSI Volunteer (or Mentor for REBOOT graduates). Please take a moment to answer the below inquiries.
Volunteer Application
Hire Veterans. If you are an employer and would like to Hire a Hero, post your available positions here:
or email/call Maurice Wilson at 619-822-2704 for partnerships.
- Refer Active Duty, Veterans, and spouses to the Workshop. If you know of someone who is struggling to reintegrate after service, please help them by referring them to the Workshop.
- Spread the word about the workshop. Please help us spread the word about REBOOT via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Register as a friend of REBOOT to receive regular updates and invitations as well as access to our resources where you can get more involved.
Regardless of the ways you choose to get involved, we thank you for supporting our troops and their families as they return home to resume a normal life.