Category: Announcements

Category for announcements which will be featured on the front page and on the blog

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE REBOOT workshop to be held at Brandman University’s Irvine Campus The transition back to civilian life can be a difficult challenge for military personnel, especially for younger military service members who were deployed on the war front multiple times in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Recognizing the critical need for assistance, National

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The military veteran population continues to grow nationwide as the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, namely Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), draw down.  Many veterans and their families, in turn, face difficulties as they return to civilian life.  At the extreme, there are the physical injuries, the stressful toll from Post-Traumatic

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Twitter is assisting veterans by making job listings easier to find through TweetMyJobs, which is developing a check box that allows employers posting jobs to indicate if the job is specifically targeted to veterans.  TweetMyJobs is also launching a suite of tools for veterans to find jobs on Twitter, including establishing veteran-specific job channels on Twitter

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WASHINGTON — Today President Obama announced the launch of the redesigned Transition Assistance Program developed by an interagency team from the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Labor, Education, and Homeland Security as well as the Office of Personnel and Management and the Small Business Administration. The revamped program, called Transition GPS, is the first major

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More than one million military service members will re-enter civilian life over the next five years and veterans transitioning out of the military continue to face challenging hiring conditions. While many companies recognize the importance of hiring veterans into the civilian workforce, an increasing percentage of employers sense that veterans are not prepared for their career transition.

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