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Operation Empower All-women Veteran REBOOT Workshop

Her mission was to protect us...
Our mission is to EMPOWER Her!

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Transition to civilian life is more than a job change.... It is a LIFE change!

The REBOOT Workshop™ is designed to assist members of the military in making the social and career transition from years of service by addressing their fears and “re-booting” their skills.

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The REBOOT Workshop™ Prepares Veterans for a new life!

By focusing on three critical areas of a successful transition: Personal Identity, Lifestyle Planning & Career Vocation.

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Transition Domains

Our MISSION is to facilitate REBOOTing the Lives and Careers of Transitioning Service Members, Veterans, and Spouses.
Our VISION is to see all veterans achieving, within their potential, their goals in the transition domains of:

Support for veteran-owned businesses

Roadmap to economic opportunities

Facilitating veteran

Supporting healthy families, home ownership, and financial security

Preparation for your civilian career


OPERATION REBOOT Is an Industry-Driven, Community-Lead initiative to “Reboot the lives & careers of transitioning service members and veterans and promote a Strong Workforce.” By focusing on and resolving the key reintegration issues of veterans and the challenges employers face trying to hire them, OPERATION REBOOT helps orchestrates a predictable talent pipeline from military service to employment in priority sectors through a coordinated training effort with multiple partners.

Veterans Need A Robust Transition Process

Every year, approximately 200,000 service members transition out of the military. Unfortunately, more than 80% of these individuals face significant challenges in their quest to find purpose, rebuild their lives, and secure meaningful employment. However, with your invaluable support, we can make a difference by helping them successfully REBOOT their lives.